Jon Gross Exposed

Categories: Biz Casual

Posted by: admin


Meet I-SITE’s project manager and award-winning brewer and discover what makes his work and brews so well balanced!


Project management, enforcer, brewmaster…

Project most proud of? – I would have to say the iGorilla iPhone app or the Effort-less site. Both were extremely complicated, new and fairly large projects – and we were able to deliver within budget. iGorilla was not completed within the original timeframe but it was a first for us and we had to deal with Apple so just getting it approved by them is a feat in itself. Of course our client Virunga National Park is also located in the Democratic Republic of Congo!

Favorite software? As far as work goes it has to be Basecamp or Google Docs. Both are so simple for collaboration and getting the job done. You don’t need to get complicated when working with others and once I got the I-SITE crew onboard with both we really enjoyed the process. Our clients also find them really easy to use and I have found it speeds up all of our projects.

Wheels? I have a late 80’s Bianchi that gets me around. It’s one of those ugly teal bikes you see now and then but I like it a lot.

Favorite iPhone App? – I would like to say iGorilla, the one we just got approved. But honestly I use Sportacular all the time as I love all Philly Sports and need my daily fix. I’m a gamer but nothing has kept me interested long enough when it comes to iPhone games. I’m waiting on Street Fighter 4 so maybe that will be the one.

What makes the perfect client? – One that gives me a challenge and enjoys the process as much as I do. Even if they don’t understand what goes into creating a website or an online marketing campaign I enjoy clients who want to learn and respect our experience and knowledge. If you trust us to do our job your product will only be that much better.

Favorite All Tomorrow’s Parties moment? That’s hard because the whole event is great. Something any music fan needs to attend at least once. I would say getting to see Shellac and eating the awesome spinach pies at the food stands.

Future Technology Prediction – Stuff that floats, really. If I drop my iPhone I want it to hover above the ground. It’s 2010!!
